
South Pacific Christian Ministries

Messages and Sermon Notes

Messages By Pastor David Myrick

The sermon notes provided are for personal study or use by Pastors and Home Group Leaders.

  • The Cross

    A look at the work of the Cross. It is a choice, believe or not. Choose wisely, because your choice will determine how you spend your eternity.

    Video Sermon Notes

  • The King of Kings Arrives

    There are three events in Christianity that are considered most important. Events to be remembered and reverenced. With each event there were those who knew what was happening and those who did not. Will you be ready or see what God is doing? Will you be part or stand on the outside.

    Video Sermon Notes

  • A Mighty Man of Valor

    Through the passage on Gideon we find some important revelations, including the power of God’s Word to transform us. We also find a warning that we need to take to heart.

    Video Sermon Notes

  • His Grace

    God told the Apostle Paul, “My Grace is Sufficient for thee”. What was He saying and how can we apply that to our lives? What does that scripture not say?

    Sermon Notes

  • Painting Your Future

    Our words have power and authority. We paint our future by the words we speak. We are also judged by our words. What picture have you been painting?

    Sermon Notes

  • Peter Walks On Water

    Peter walking on water is one of the most remarkable and important events recorded in the Word, but is it more than his failure after stepping out in faith?

    Sermon Notes

  • Light A Fire!

    What does it mean to be a minister of God? What does it mean to be a flaming fire for God? Who can qualify and what does it take? These are all important questions. Questions answered in this message.

    Sermon Notes

  • Life and Death

    This messages takes a look at a critical subject. It is one that often overlooked, even ignored. It is something that impacts our lives and the lives of others. It is something that everyone will be held accountable for by God, but yet, few pay any attention to it. That is our words and how we pray.

    Sermon Notes

  • Shall Not Be Ashamed!

    God Word is either a stumbling block and an offense or a sure foundation upon which you stand, regardless of your circumstances. This message explores these options and why we sometimes fail.

    Sermon Notes

  • Abide In Him!

    Jesus promised us that if we will abide in Him and His words abide in us, then we can ask what every we desire and it will be done for us. He also warned us that those who don’t abide in Him will be cast aside. Considering the promise and warning, it is rather important to understand what He means by abiding in Him.

    Sermon Notes

More to come...

We are in the process of updating our collection of past messages. We will be adding new sermon notes and videos as we complete the update process.

If you would like to be notified when new sermon notes are added or if you have questions about them, please send us an email.